Archive for the ‘General’ Category

  • We got yer hotels right here!


    Hotels!  Fresh, hot hotels!

    Just a quick note to let everybody know that three different hotels with conference rate options are now listed on the Location & Logistics page.  Please note that reservations at all three must be made by Tuesday, March 20, in order for the conference rates to apply.

  • Discussion topic — The Library and The Digital Scholar


    I’m wondering if Patricia Battin’s framework for the role of an academic library set in 1984 has been fully accomplished? I think we are close, but not fully there yet. Here’s a list of the functions and facilities that she listed in the article, The Electronic Library – a Vision for the Future by Patricia Battin, EDUCOM Bulletin, Summer 1984

    Our Electronic Scholar of the ’90s will find the following opportunities at the workstation:

    • On-line gateway access to the universe of knowledge
    • Bibliographic data for all printed works and machine-readable data bases and files
    • Extremely user-friendly access by natural language subject searching, keywords, titles, etc.
    • Boolean logic, call number searching, backward and forward browsing
    • Information on on-order and circulation status of documents

    In short, the capacity to rummage around in the bibliographic wealth of recorded knowledge, organized in meaningful fashion with logically controlled search:

    • Downloading capacities and local interactive manipulation of all files
    • Full-text access to databases, data files and published works also preserved on optical disks
    • High resolution graphics
    • Capacity to order off-line prints of machine readable text, facsimile transmission of journal articles identified through on-line abstracting and indexing services and/or delivery of printed publications
    • Links to printed works through on-line indexes of books, table of contents
    • Access to current scholarly output through author-supplied subject access
    • Access to on-line Pre-Print Exchange, with papers maintained on-line for six months and then purged unless refereed and preserved in an archival record according to scholarly record according to scholarly standards; the refereeing process would be coordinated by a national network of scholarly societies with accepted data sets being maintained at the home institution and entered into the national data resource — either RLIN or OCLC now linked into one national resource
    • Online access to education, training, and consulting services run by the Scholarly Information Center:
      • information on new services and access
      • technical information on hardware, software, etc.
      • tutorials and consulting services on literature structures, protocols for specialists, seminars for beginners
      • literature search services for those who don’t want to do their own

    NOTE: Used with permission of the author.

  • Workshop: Do-It-Yourself Aerial Photography


    And as promised, a description of the second workshop offered at THATCampVA on Friday, April 20. Indicate your interest when you register for THATCampVA.  From instructors Chris Gist and Kelly Johnston:

    Need aerial images for a scholarly publication or research project and can’t find any that fit your needs?  How about making your own?  Grassroots mapping is an idea that allows people to survey and map what is important to them.  People have surveyed oil spills, public demonstrations, small archaeological sites, etc.  at a scale that fits their needs by dangling cameras from balloons and kites.  They then use software to mosaic their aerial photographs into larger scenes that can be easily shared via Google Maps, Google Earth, or other digital mapping tools.

    Come learn techniques to fly your own camera, make your own mosaics and go fly a kite (or balloon in this case)!

    UPDATE: check out our post on the test flights!


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