• Hack Proposals

    My proposal is to host an old-school hackfest, covering technologies useful for humanist inquiry. These would be beginner-to-intermediate friendly, though if there is interest, we could also do a much deeper dive in to any one of these areas. These are some ideas, but would love to hear if others have ideas they would like to explore.


    There is a lot of excitement in various developer communities for a new server-side JavaScript platform named node.js. Built on the Google v8 JavaScript runtime, node.js allows developers to quickly write real-time applications using an evented model. This session will take a look at how one interesting Node application (HUBOT) is constructed, the technologies used, how it’s deployed, and how it can be extended to implement an IRC bot.

    HTML5 Technologies

    HTML 5 is a buzz word a lot of people talk about, but few actually know what it is. This session would take a look at HTML 5 technologies (e.g. webGL, canvas, audio, video), and how people are beginning to use these components in interesting ways, and perhaps even put them together in a browser-based action game.

    Omeka Plugin Development

    Have an idea for a plugin for Omeka? Don’t know where to start? Stuck somewhere? This session would explain the basics of how Omeka’s plugin architecture works, how to get going, and some tricks we’ve learned along the way developing Neatline (and other) plugins.

    Ruby Zotero gem

    At last year’s THATCampVA, we started hacking on a Ruby gem to allow developers to work with the Zotero APIs. I started to refactor this code to work on the 1.9.3 MRI and use a modular HTTP transport mechanism. This session would hack on adding features and working on the code refactor. You can check out the code on Github. If we’re really ambitious, we could even hack on the node client I began experimenting with.


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  1. Sounds interesting, Wayne, particularly the Ruby Zotero gem; I’d also be interested in getting an overview of HTML 5.

  2. Eric Rettberg says:

    I’m also very interested in an HTML 5 overview—just to get a sense of the possibilities and limitations.

  3. cforster says:

    Ditto; HTML5 in particular. If folks would be interesting in talking about canvas, I’d like to hear more about it. Would canvas be a good option for doing any sort of text visualization (graphs, etc) on the web, or is it just too clumsy?

  4. ruotolo says:

    One more vote for HTML5! I am not yet one of the few who actually know what it is, but I would like to be.

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